Thursday, August 6, 2009

Cake Fight!

Karin's birthday was yesterday...or today. I don't know to be honest, but I do know this pick below shows how ghetto Pico Rivera is because ACS had to use duct tape because the needles wouldn't fit on the bags of icing. hah.

Karina's initial reaction to us being at her house exactly at 12 to celebrate her birthday.

After Karina's first bite from the cake, you could tell she didn't like it, words were exchanged between Karina and ACS and before you knew it.....

they were fighting with cake!! Ok that's not what happened at all, but it could've happened like that. I'm sure you can guess who was the instigator to this shenanigans (hint: asian girl on the right).

I too was a victim to this madness, me an innocent bystander. Oh well it was fun.
Good times.

Thought I was going to San Diego for the weekend, but it doesn't look like it. Damn.

1 comment:

aprilcsalonga said...

i did NOT start it, ALL KRISTINA. i feel special as of right now. you know?
the whole entry was about me & the friends, i digg it x7