Friday, January 30, 2009

Mini Brown Re-union

I finally made it a point to go out and visit these 3 Archer girls I met this past summer at Brown,
Kelcey, Malka, and Tea. They are honestly 3 of the coolest girls you will ever meet. All of them can dance, which was put on display tonight since I saw them in their dance concert. As soon as Tea saw me she ran and literally jumped on me, and then later came the head massage which probably looked random as fuck to everyone else. Good stuff though, low key I almost fell asleep.
Love those girls.
I also finally met Dolly. She's hella legit...yes I just said hella. Get over it.
Also met Tyler, Reva, and a gang of other people.

Chill, slow, good night.
I'm gonna try and see them next week.
Wish me luck yall.

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