Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Crashed n Burned

Last night my e-machine computer, which was my first ever real computer cuz the one with a black background and orange font that made my eyes water doesnt count, CRASHED! I was actually pretty sad about it even though I have the majority of my shit backed up on an external hard drive, thank god, cuz it has a lot of memories that go with it. I'm gonna go shopping tonight to find a good replacement. Wish me luck.

In other news, MPC provided music at lunch today. I thought it went well. Simon did his thing on the 1's & 2's, pictures were being taken, had a sick cipher going with Hugh, Ez, Primetime, n yours truly. Overall it was a success. Hope yall had a good time too.

Pics will be posted as soon as I get situated with my new computer and all of that.

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